Sunday, October 28, 2012

Notes to the Little One

Hello Little One!

"Yes Mommy? I'm listening."
Notes to the Little One
I had the great joy of seeing you again on Tuesday. I saw your feet and hands. I saw your fingers and a "thumbs up." I saw more of your backside than the sonographer wanted and we tried and tried to get you to roll over to show us your profile. I got to see your heart with all four chambers pumping away. Your Daddy was there too. We saw the placenta that looked like a pillow. You were cold I think, and am guessing that is why you wouldn't turn around. Maybe it's because it was past lunch time by the time they got us into the room for the exam. By that time I was already pretty annoyed with the lady at the front desk and the weirdos we had to sit in the waiting room with. Sorry about that. I'm sure it didn't help your mood either.
Nonetheless, there you were. I am truly not alone. Your head was on my right side and your feet on my left. I feel like that is the way you stay most of the time because the majority of your movement comes from where I assume your feet are. I feel little movements by your hands and head. Seeing you move on the screen and feeling it at the same time made me realize all those little feelings were really you tapping away. Now that I know that you are there, I am hyper-aware of everything you do. It's you and me now, hanging out in the apartment when everyone else is gone.
Let's make breakfast!

We are having 2 pieces of TJ's bacon, 2 pastured eggs, red onion, spicy peppers and spinach topped with a half of an avocado. I hope you like it. You must like a little bit of spice because I didn't start adding that to my breakfast until you came along. First it was an addiction to Cholula, which now I couldn't care less about, and now with the spicy peppers that your Dad pickled. We also take our vitamins every morning.

I'm pretty sure I felt you hiccuping the other night. It was a repeating movement that felt like a strong heartbeat coming from where I think your head and chest are. It says in my Sprout app that you are doing this from time to time to learn how to breathe and swallow. In another week and a half you will start to develop tastebuds but you wont really taste the food for some months after that. You can expect us to be eating plenty of veggies and weird things that I will want you to like when you are a growing child. I read it in my book: Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies?: The Surprising Science of Pregnancy by Jena Pincott. The foods I eat when you are in the womb and tasting them, will be foods you eat without protest when you come out. You will be a primal baby from the beginning!

By the way, there is supposed to be a hurricane coming tomorrow and Tuesday. We were supposed to go to the doctor and talk about your development but they called and cancelled all appointments due to the storm. I have never been in a hurricane before, and it's going to be an interesting Halloween this year (Wed. night) if it continues until then. Some people are worried but I am a little excited to see what happens and don't mind the prospect of sitting in candle-light watching the wind strip the trees of their red and yellow leaves. We have to pull the remainders of our vegetable garden inside since it could all blow away. Your dad says that we might not be able to go outside to even let Olive and Dexter go to the bathroom. I won't understand until I see the storm in action. Poor doggies. Olive is an anxious girl and Dexter was always afraid of thunder, so they will probably be a mess through the whole thing. I can't wait for you to meet them. They will be your biggest fans, I am sure.

Now I am off to the gym. We gotta keep this body in shape!

Working Out
Today's WOD:

100 double-unders  (I scaled to 25-30 and at most linked 7)

5 snatches 95 lbs.  (I did 65)

***5 rounds for time***  my time - 20:54

*work-out side-note: Too much jumping makes me pee or feel like I'm peeing or just have a little extra wetness in the baby-exit area. It sometimes, like today, is necessary to make a quick bathroom break to pee or just wipe-down. Yes, too much info. but info. nonetheless.

The last time I worked out was last Sunday. I know these wods are getting few and far-between but I will continue to fight the urge to be lazy. I did row sprints. That's row your ass off for 250 meters, record your time, rest for 2 minutes and try to row faster the next time, for 8 rounds. It felt good. I didn't really warm-up so my first round was the worst.
The rounds looked something like this:

Not too shabby. I did end up sucking down some huge gasps of air afterward... but since I have learned that my baby gets it's oxygen from the placenta and not from what I am breathing in, I wasn't worried for the little one. I feel that we're both strong enough to take a little extra physical exertion. After all, many a cavewoman probably had to make quick escapes from more dangerous predators than a gym while pregnant, right? And man has survived obviously.
I don't think the little one minded the workout then or today. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of racket going on in there until we got super hungry for lunch.

For lunch we had nooodles. No, that is no typo. It is actually No Oodles. I used leftover meat sauce from the other night and had spaghetti bolognese. It wasn't as fancy as it sounds but I LOVE NOOODLES! Followed this up with some apple-pear pie I made and was in heaven.

Notes to the Little One (cont'd)
I started to buy things for you, little baby. It makes me super happy already. I brought it all home and made your dad come and look at each and every thing. I don't think he got the same fulfillment that I did out of it, but he was happy that I was. I can't wait for you to see all the little wonders that I am going to put together in your room. I bought knobs for the armoire that I rescued from the street. I'm going to start painting it if we get stuck in the house tomorrow because of the wind. I bought little things to hang from a mobile for you and little friends to say hello to when you look in the mirror. I bet you are excited too and that's why you are kicking around now. You are going to be my favorite project! I am off to start hanging your new curtains and play with the other things I bought you. Daddy is napping on the couch and the doggies are in their beds waiting to see what this storm will bring. I love you little one!
-Your Mommy

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ready for Parenthood?

I thought this was pretty funny, so I decided to share:



-Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Now rub your hands in the wet flower bed and rub on thewalls.

-Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer.

-Obtain a 55-gallon box of Legos. (If Legos are not available, you may substitute roofing tacks or broken bottles.) Have a friend spread them all over the house. Put on a blindfold. Try to walk to the bathroomor kitchen. Do not scream (this could wake a child at night).


-Borrow one or two small animals (goats are best) and take them with you as you shop at the grocery store. Always keep them in sight and pay for anything they eat or damage.


-Obtain one large, unhappy, live octopus. Stuff into a small net bag making sure that all arms stay inside.


-Obtain a large plastic milk jug. Fill halfway with water. Suspend from the ceiling with a stout cord. Start the jug swinging. Try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal (such as Fruit Loops or Cheerios) into the mouth of the jug while pretending to be an airplane. Now dump the contents of the jug on the floor.


-Prepare by obtaining a small cloth bag and fill it with 8 to 12 pounds of sand. Soak it thoroughly in water. At 8:00 PM begin to waltz and hum with the bag until 9:00 PM. Lay down your bag and set your alarm for 10:00 PM.Get up, pick up your bag, and sing every song you have ever heard. Make up about a dozen more and sing these too until 4:00 AM. Set alarm for 5:00 AM. Get up and make breakfast. Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful.


-Obtain a large bean-bag chair and attach it to the front of your clothes. Leave it there for 9 months. Now remove 10% of the beans. Purchase a newspaper. Go home and read it quietly for the last time.


-Find a couple who already have a small child. Lecture them on how they can improve their child's discipline, patience, tolerance, toilet training, and table manners. Suggest many ways they can improve. Emphasize to them that they should never allow their children to run wild.

Enjoy this experience. It will be the last time you will have all the answers.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Things and Working Out

Breakfast is truly no joke in this house...
Today I had a hankering for some of our pickled jalapeños, so I went with a fully loaded omelette that also had bacon, avocado, tomato and spinach. This giant (only 2 egg) monstrosity is pictured here with my special butternut squash homefries.

I still take my 3 fish oil supplements and a vitamin D and prenatal. I do take a probiotic sometimes in the morning and it doesn't really affect my stomach in any way. My chocolate/greens smoothie is a regular morning staple followed about 45 minutes later with the breakfast plate. I have been trying to incorporate a half of an avocado into my breakfast every morning because 1) they are easier to come-by than ever... getting a bag of organic ones from TJ's.  2) totally awesome to eat with anything... Who doesn't love avocados? and 3) listed as one of the 100 Healthiest Foods to eat During Pregnancy during the second trimester. I finally remembered to pick that book up again. What else is in the list? Carrots. The day I read this entry was in the evening after a trip to Costco where I showed my husband a lifetime supply of organic baby carrots and said "Let's get these." He asked if we are really gonna eat all of them. I said "Sure, I will make dill carrots and we can use them for our baba ganouj..."
Don't fight the pregnant lady's decisions... they might be coming from the little one inside.

New Things
Clothes- I finally got myself some maternity jeans. I ordered them online, made by my current favorite brand Lucky Jeans, selected in my pre-pregnancy size and they arrived the day after my birthday. Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not a good idea to buy clothes over the internet. They were somehow too big. They had enough extra room in the thighs and butt that they will not stay up without further assistance. I'd like to say that I will grow into them, but I am certainly not hoping to get a larger ass and thighs... catch-22 eh? I am hoping that as soon as my belly is big enough, the full elastic waistband will be enough support to keep them up.
In the meantime, I went out and bought my first pair of jeggings (also will not stay up) and 5 pairs of various leggings to wear under dresses and with long shirts. Now I just have to wait until I can afford to buy the top halves of the outfits. Until then, I am in sweatpants and occasionally my jeans that are stretched enough to fit under the belly (We will see how long that lasts).
Sleep Positioning- This is starting to get a tad uncomfortable. I sleep on the left side of the bed and am most comfortable sleeping on my right side facing out. Sidenote- I am a "loner" sleeper. Yes, I just coined that phrase. This means I cannot sleep when I am being touched. I don't spoon or get spooned, don't want legs or feet touching me, a hand, a hair, nothing. Otherwise I am awake and miserable. This is very unfortunate for my husband who likes to be cuddled. 
I have read that the best position to sleep in while pregnant is on your left side according to what it says on numerous sites including BabyCenter.comSleeping on your side is best while you're pregnant. In particular, sleeping on your left side may benefit your baby by improving blood flow – and therefore nutrients – to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.
That sounds great! Nobody wants swollen ankles, feet and hands or waste products floating around their bodies. Easier said than done. I'm sure that nobody ever miscarried because they were a back-sleeper. I actually woke up almost every morning quite comfortably on my back for the first trimester. Maybe this is because of the large dent I have created in my area of the mattress, which also makes it harder to sleep on my left side as I am fighting the uphill battle. I am getting to the point where I may need to purchase the pregnant-lady body pillow worm thing. (Yes, that's a link to my registry)
Now doesn't she look happy...?

Limited Movement- I have started to feel a slight hinderance to some of my everyday movement. As I told my husband this morning: "I can't put my pants on one leg at a time, like everyone else." Or, at least it is getting harder. Bending over to reach my feet is becoming difficult. I am also having to start to rock myself a little when getting out of bed or up off of the floor. This is very strange for me, and I have to remind myself that it's not just something I can push through. I have to actually be careful and not put too much pressure on the little thing inside.
Fluttering?- Apparently I am supposed to be able to feel the baby moving around. Some people say it's like fluttering... which makes no sense to me. I felt a tapping from the inside in the beginning (when in Hawaii) and now some more forceful pokes. I wonder if it is just my uterus doing it's growing thing. It is the largest muscle in the female body and probably throbs and contracts in spots while it is enlarging. I question the feelings because sometimes they seem repetitive in one spot a couple of times before I feel it in another spot. Honestly, I still don't quite believe there is someone inside my belly even as it grows every day. Seriously... is this really how life begins? Women are doing this all around the world like it is no big deal... but how is it not? One day I will be cursing the little guy/girl for kicking me in the ribs.
Boy or Girl- I cannot say that I don't have a preference as to what comes out, because I do. I think and feel that I am having a girl first and later will come a boy. Well, I will find out in 3 days. ONLY 3 DAYS!!! Yes it is a big deal! This is to be my future... heck, the rest of my life! Will it be sports teams or dance classes (probably not really dance classes... but something else little girls do). Will I really even have a choice? I will only be able to direct their interests for so long before they are wanting tickets to whomever becomes the Justin Bieber of their generation. Jeebus help me.
I saw a funny quote that said:
boy (n):  1. noise with dirt on it
Seriously, that makes sense and is a little daunting. Although I do have a pretty great nephew with scary intelligence and interest in all things musical... but, he can be exhausting to keep up with. My niece seems pretty mellow in comparison, but who's to say girls can't be spastic too? Either way, my child will be taking art class and self-defense of some sort (as per my husband's request).
The first thing I'm gonna do when I find out is start planning bedroom decor. Planning, planning, planning.... I'm addicted to it, even if it's chaotically unorganized and never comes to fruition. I already have folders on my desktop for a little girls room and a little boys room.

Working Out
My work-out days, which are supposed to be every other one, are few and far between mostly. I did get a WOD in on Tuesday and Thursday and was supposed to go in today... but Sunday will suffice.

Tuesday's WOD:

15 shoulder press (55 lbs.)

400 m row

10 pull-ups (I used a band and tried not to kip)

15 air-squats

400 m row

***3 rounds for time***   (I did 27:40)

Thursday's WOD

1-1-1-1 deadlift  (I did 175-180-185-190) Not too bad, but my PR is 220 for 3 reps.

sumo deadlifts (125 lbs.)


strict press (45 lbs.)

***15-10-5 for time***   (I did 8:56 non Rx'd)

We went for a walk in the park with the dogs today and I had a chance to sport my new leggings and belly. Horizontal stripes do wonders increasing the size of things... or maybe I really am that big already.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Primal in Hawaii - Eating and Working Out

We just got back from a much-needed 10 day vacation in Hawaii. I was truly amazed at how easy it is to eat the right things out there! They are very lucky to have the resources so many of us struggle to find.
Since our return, I have become very interested in poached eggs. There was many a time we were at a restaurant and I was looking at the breakfast choices and desperately wished I could have eggs benedict, but I know that butter is a main ingredient of hollandaise. We did cook breakfast for ourselves once or twice in the house that our friend rented and I did have the opportunity to poach my own eggs. I realized I am quite good at it! Since we have been home, it is the only way I cook my eggs now. I even made a version of hollandaise using lard and bacon grease instead of butter.

So, now my breakfast has become 2 poached eggs, 1 piece of bacon and wilted spinach. It seems like such a little change, but as I said before... I love my eggs! Vitamins are always a must and we definitely stocked up for the road.

Working Out
We definitely kept active while out of town. Of course all of our local friends know about off-the-beaten-path hikes and sights. We also managed to log some days at local CrossFit gyms. While in Maui, we visited Lahaina CrossFit where I did a 20 minute workout involving push-presses, toes-to-bar and double-unders (probably the last time I can comfortably get my toes up to the bar). I got to try stand-up paddle boarding, which at first I was afraid to do... but all the more reason to force myself. Snorkeling proved to be quite a workout and provided us with some up-close experiences with huge fish and sea turtles. We also had a great hike that involved scaling down a cliff on a rope to some hidden pools. Tons of fun!

My 16 wks picture
 As I mentioned before, we ate really well. Maui Cattle Company is a locally raised brand of grass-fed beef and despite the fact that we were surrounded by some of the freshest fish in the world, my baby was craving burgers all the time. Below is one of those burgers we had for lunch with some coleslaw and next to that is an amazing brunch we had with an oyster and bacon omelette, side of fruit and side of lamb sausage which we could not resist!

Another amazing place where we had lunch was the Paia Fish Market. Definitely the best fish on the island as far as simplicity and freshness! Not your typical fancy sit-down restaurant, you order at the counter from a choice of fresh fish that day and sit at big communal style tables. I was truly jealous of the fish sandwiches I saw around me. I really do enjoy a good piece of battered fish on a squishy bun with tartar sauce and slaw. I was still pleased with my meal foregoing the bun and batter. We had blackened Opah on a huge bed of coleslaw since the other two side options were rice and fries (we may have overdone the amount of coleslaw consumed on this trip).
Not my pic below, but check out that piece of fish and fish tacos in the background (I wouldn't torture you with an image of their famous fish sandwich). I would have eaten there every day if it wasn't 30 minutes away.
 Once we got back we needed to restock the fridge. On a trip to Trader Joe's I discovered something wonderful! I don't know if it is a seasonal product, a new product or just something that has been there all along and I didn't notice until now. I'm talking about Ruby Red Chai. It is made with organic, caffeine-free, red rooibos tea leaves and all the other important chai spice flavors.
Just when I was wanting a hot beverage to warm me on a rainy day (usually would've been coffee or hot cocoa) I found the absolute perfect pregnancy, caffeine-free coffee alternative! I am now drinking chai lattés.

Yes, I'm a Libra... Oct. 7th

To make this chai latte I use So Delicious sugar-free coconut milk. I boil the water and steep the teabag then add an equal amount of pre-warmed coconut milk, a drop of vanilla extract, a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon and sweeten with stevia to taste. It sounds like a lot of work, but it's worth it until I can get back to coffee. I also may use 2 teabags if I plan on filling my huge mug to the brim. I am definitely gonna stock up on this stuff for iced versions in the future.

Tonight I am making hot and sour soup with Kelp noodles. I was feeling a little like I caught a cold on my way home and like to make this soup because I feel like the vinegar and spice kicks up my immune system and clears my head. I am actually feeling much better than I expected today, but am going ahead with these dinner plans just in case my husband starts to get a little something.